تحميل كورس إحتراف الفوتوشوب | Adobe Photoshop CC Advanced Training
اذا كنت مبتدئ بالعمل في برنامج فوتوشوب ومن الذين يستخدمون البرنامج بكثرة
فهل تعلم أن هناك الكثير من الادوات لا تستخدمها في عملك مع البرنامج؟
ففي هذا الكورس سوف نأخذك الي المستوى الأعلى من برنامج الفوتوشوب.
ويقوم بعرض هذه الدورة مستر دان وهو مدرس معتمد من Adobe للفوتوشوب
اولا هذه هي دورة Photoshop المتقدمة.
هذه الدورة ليست للأشخاص المبتدئين فى Photoshop.
فهذه الدورة هي للأشخاص الذين يعرفون بالظبط الأساسيات الكاملة للفوتوشوب.
وكذلك للأشخاص الذين لديهم خبراتهم الخاصة للقيام بالأشياء ولكنهم يعتقدون أن هناك طريقة أفضل وأسرع للعمل مع الفوتوشوب
هذا الكورس كامل بالفيديو مع ملفات العمل مقدم من يوديمى
شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من هنا
تحميل كورس إحتراف الفوتوشوب | Adobe Photoshop CC Advanced Training
You’ll learn advanced Photoshop techniques like Photoshop retouching & Graphic Design tutorials.
you’ll research superior photoshop techniques like photoshop retouching & picture design tutorials.
what you’ll research
you will be capable of earn extra using these new photoshop capabilities.
you will create multiple snap shots on the way to use to your portfolio.
you will be capable of upload ‘superior photoshop consumer’ on your cv.
you will recognize a way to mask people with one click.
you'll create a fruit juice poster.
you may replace unpleasant skies with new blue skies.
you may create an image by means of combining 3 exceptional photos.
you may create amazingly sensible shadows.
you'll construct animations geared up for social media.
you will make blurry images – sharp & focused.
you will grasp advanced curves & degrees.
remove undesirable lights from a picture
absolutely put off human beings & gadgets from 6 pics.
dispose of luggage from under eyes.
amplify eyes.
upload a grin to a version.
you may upload depth to static photos through animating the usage of parallax so they sense like a real three-D film.
create repeating looping videos for social media the use of cinemagraphs in photosho
create three-D text of your call.
build a three-D brand.
construct mockups of your pics in actual lifestyles conditions like on:
pc screens, posters on partitions, in magazines, billboards, cell telephones.
you’ll examine the fine selection and overlaying method
you’ll realize the way to restore pics that look ‘tough to fix’
you’ll grasp superior degrees and curves tricks, mainly with
any version of adobe photoshop, preferably the cc (innovative cloud) model.
primary knowledge of photoshop is required.
i recommend looking my photoshop necessities route before this course.
if you already understand how to use layers & make simple selections then you are best for this course.
are you already suitable at photoshop?
do you already know there is greater which you aren’t the usage of?
this course will take to you the pinnacle stage of photoshop.
howdy, my name is dan and i'm an adobe licensed trainer for photoshop
– that is the superior photoshop path.
this route isn't always for humans new to photoshop.
that is for individuals who already recognise the fundamentals.
cindy: “that is an high-quality elegance with so many strategies to learn.
the instructor is the first-class of nice on my listing and i have taken over 50 lessons on udemy!
thanks mr. scott – this class simply raises my self belief stage!!!!”
we are able to begin by means of mastering the nice choice strategies available.
i promise, by means of the give up of the first segment what took you 30mins to masks will now take you 30 seconds.
you’ll examine the very fine photoshop retouching abilties in addition to how to master photoshop for graphic layout.
we are able to accurate ‘tough to repair’ pictures and research what to do with blurry snap shots.
the physical games are ideal, not too tough (nicely it relies upon) but no longer simple either.
we are able to learn how to convincingly eliminate all forms of gadgets from pictures.
my private favourite section will display you a way to distort, bend & reshape pictures.
we are able to examine how modern trending visual patterns are without problems created, duotones, glitches
and orange/teal shade grading.
who this route is for:
every person that has a base knowledge in photoshop
photographers, image designers, motion photographs artists, illustrator users
and any creatives who want to a complicated knowledge of photoshop.
all people that has finished my photoshop necessities route
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